Saturday, March 31, 2012

FILM: Inlaws and Outlaws Marks its 500th screening and Vows to Fight Ref 74!

Lazenby with David's Flag 'At Last'
by MK Scott 

After nearly 8 years after filming began, The Home-grown award winning Documentary, 'Inlaws & Outlaws' had its 500th Community Screening last night at Uptown Theater in Queen Anne.  Drew Emery was there and a few of the couples including (Golden Couple) Jane Abbot Lighty and Pete-e Peterson and (Bearish Couple) Frank Chaffee & John Gliessman to benefit Washington United for Marriage, the state-wide coalition created to advance equal marriage in Washington – and defend it at the ballot box in November.
I saw the film a few years ago and I forgot how emotional it was, one minute you are laughing and next you are in tears, but entertained by the Narrative portion featuring the Musical styling of Felicia Loud and Members of Captain Smartypants. Starting this Spring, the film’s Hearts + Minds Campaign will partner with Washington United for Marriage to present FREE community screenings all over the state in support of the recently passed equal marriage bill that Governor Gregoire signed into law on February 13th. an American, a wife, and a mother, I believe marriage equality is fair, just, and right. And it is time” Governor Gregoire stated at the time.    “When we set out to make this film, I certainly wasn’t expecting to be married to it all these years,” admits the film’s director, Drew Emery.  “But at that time marriage equality was largely seen as a fringe issue that concerned only the gay community.  Now as equal marriage has increasingly been seen as the civil rights issue of our times, the film has found it’s feet and taken on a life of it’s own.”    After the Film, Emery updated the audience of what has happened in the last 5 yrs: Chuck Lazenby, who had lived with his partner, David for over 50 yrs and was denied his Military Flag, was finally given a flag presented by Retired Col. Grethe Cammermeyer before his death a few years ago.   Both Aubree & Laramie Holliman and Tammy Snow & Dayna Tolman have Kids. 
Anderson and Christian
Heather Andersen & Leslie Christian, who started the fight for marriage equality in WA in 2004, have vowed to marry when it becomes legal in December.
And Finally our Golden couple, Jane and Pete-e are celebrating 35 yrs together. They were a force to be reckoned with in the Ref-71 campaign and have vowed to be visible once again to Fight Ref-74. For more information visit:

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