Thursday, January 31, 2013

(OUTVIEW @ 4) Coverage that led to Change!

Adams at City Hall (2009)                Scott
Going Back to OUTview's first year in 2009, we focused on issues that we cared about and one by one change was happening. Our first Podcast on January 31, 2009 happened a month earlier than planned and MK had to jump through hurdles to get this special completed. This was the week that Portland was going through a firestorm with the Scandal of Mayor Sam Adams and his relationship with former intern, Beau Breedlove. It was revealed that Adams had lied during his Mayoral Campaign in 2007 about his relationship with Breedlove. Many (Including Oregon's Gay Publication, 'Just Out') was calling for Adams to resign. One Man, Elliot Young, Professor at Portland’s Lewis and Clark College, was one of the first to start the ‘Support Sam’ campaign. Young spent several days being interviewed by the local media and graciously accepted the invitation to chat with OUTview. Adams didn't resign, and after 2 failed Recalls, left City Hall feet first in December 2012.
Alva standing right of Obama in 2010         AP
The Next Big story was the release of Nathaniel Frank's Book, 'Unfriendly Fire' as well as Obama's early pledge end 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' that led OUTview leading a discussion about DADT along with Eric Alva. It turned out that both Alva and Frank had a lot to do with ending the ban. While Alva was working with Lawmakers, Frank's Book has been rumored to be the Blue print of How to work with Openly Gay service members. In December 2010, Alva stood next to Obama at the signing of the Repeal of DADT. Mission Accomplished.

Rix in 2010                      Scott
In Early 2010, OUTview launched a New Webseries, OURview, and the 1st show had a discussion on Jallen Rix's Book, 'Ex Gay, No Way' about Rix's experiences at Ex-Gay groups to his eventual Coming Out. OUTview help to Promote Rix's Book that was eventually nominated for Best Nonfiction Book at the 2010 Lambda Literary awards.

Also during that first year we didn't shy away from Transgender Issues (We have had 4 contributors that were Trans, 2 F2M, and 2 M2F) and by 2011, sponsored and attended the TRANSLATIONS Film Festival and the Gender Odyssey Conference and got up close with Chaz Bono's Journey. One issue with the Trans community was if ENDA would include Protections. OUTview was the only NW Gay outlet to get visiting Congressman Barney Frank on camera addresses this issues. Sadly, Frank was unable to add this to ENDA before leaving off in 2013. This issue is still needed to be addressed.

Also in 2011, we followed, Alan Bounville, an actor/Activist and founder of Queer Rising, as he left Seattle on a 6,000 mile walk as he performs his one man show of activism and hold vigils for Victims of Gender Discrimination. In the Into the Light series he has taken us to the backroads of America and the reactions seeing a Man push a cart over the Smokey Mountains with a Rainbow flag. As Alan Ends his journey in DC next month. OUTview was honored to have covered this journey of creating awareness of Gender Equality.

Miller in 2011                         Krauer
In Late 2010, the issue was BULLYING of Gay Teens was the focus and one after one suicide after another. That got us back to the studio and we filmed, 'Bullying, Gender and the Church" and filmed a portion at an actual church. At the same Time, Dan Savage and Terry Miller were starting the 'It Gets Better' project and Adrian Ryan interviewed Miller in early 2011. As recently as January 2013, Bullying is still an issue, but it is 'Getting Better', but slowly.

In Mid-2011, I was introduced to Judy Rickard and her book, Torn Apart: United by Love, Divided by Law a collection of couples that were being separated based on citizenship, and as I did with Rix, I helped to promote her book at the 2011 NLGJA convention in Philadelphia, and Rickard was with me as I visited the Liberty Bell for the first time. Last Fall, one of the films at the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival was David Ross' 'I Do'  and during our Interview with Ross, it was pointed out, even if you are legally able to Marry (in NY) if your partner is not a naturalized citizen, you are not excluded from being deported since the marriage is not federally recognized. As recently as last week, it looks like Immigration reform will include same sex protections. Perhaps Rickard will be standing next to Obama at the signing of this Bill. Stay Tuned. 

We were at this wedding!        Gessel
Speaking of Gay marriage, OUTview was covering this way before Washington State was even voting on it. In 2011, OUTview traveled to New York to Tour Gay wedding Venues upon the Legalization in New York State and Met and chatted with Rev. Annie Lawrence, one of the officiants at the INFAMOUS Pop up chapels in Central Park. In April 2012, we attended the 500th screening of Inlaws and Outlaws. In January 2013, we started our Gay Wedding series.

Compared to what we have covered and what has happened, we are proud of our accomplished to provide a Pro-Gay, but also Non-Biased coverage. 

So what's Next? You Tell Us below in the comments section.

MORE Photos Below!

Chaz (w/MK) in 2011

Getting Married in NY in 2011

MK at the Liberty Bell in 2011

Bounville performs in Seattle 2011

Bounville Leaves Seattle!

Bounville with OV Contributors, Rose and Taylor in 2011

MK with Alva and Rose in 2010
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