Friday, January 25, 2013

(MK SCOTT) From Hedwig to Drag Race: MK's Chat with (the Man behind) Jinkx Monsoon!

by MK Scott

Seattle Based Actor and Drag Superstar, Jinkx Monsoon is on the verge of Super Stardom. This Past Month, Monsoon was seen on the Seattle Stage in Delacreme's  'Homo for the Holidays', and Balagan's 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch", which is closing this weekend. On Monday, Monsoon makes her national TV Debut on Season 5 of Rupaul's Drag Race. As Actor, Jerick Hoffer, it is about his craft. So I caught up with the Man about his creation and How he is Handling his busy schedule and what to expect on Drag Race.
MK: January is quite a month for you with Hedwig and Drag Race, How are you Handling it?

JERICK Hoffer: You just take one day at a time. You make sure to pay full attention to what you're working on at that moment. While I'm at Hedwig rehearsal, I leave Drag Race at the door. But I am not missing a beat with Drag race either. Time management is key, and though it can be chaotic at times... these are good problems to have. I love every moment of getting to share my passion and personality with the world.

Q; Starting with Hedwig, what drew you to the Role?

JERICK: When I saw the movie at age 14, it changed my life. I had always really admired the strength the character of Hedwig and the artistry of John Cameron Mitchell and Steven Trask. It had been a long standing dream of mine to play Hedwig in a full scale production and that dream has come to fruition, hopefully not for the last time. Hedwig's story, though very specific to her, has universal themes. For some, the struggle to find wholeness is all consuming, but it's through struggle that we learn who we really are.

Q. How did you balance rehearsals along with all your other gigs (Homo for Holidays, Le Faux)?

JERICK: I ran around like a crazy person all winter... Honestly. I would run from one rehearsal, to the next, then I would run home, get in to drag, host a show, go to bed, wake up and do it all over again. But when you love what you do, you do what it takes to keep doing it. I also am blessed with the help of my best friend Kenneth. He and I have been best friends and roommates for some time now and he's always lent a helping hand in my drag career. Well now that my drag career needs a couple extra helping hands, he is officially my Personal Assistant and Social Secretary. He helps me stay on top of everything and helps me multi task. He is extraordinary and I feel like a lucky duck to have him working with me.

MK: Last Season, you won acclaim (and awards) for playing Angel in Rent at Seattle's 5th ave theater. Are you more drawn to Gender bending roles? Would ever play a non-gender bending role?

JERICK: I am drawn to Gender-bending roles because I get to combine drag and theater in one space. For me, there is no drag without Theater. Every time I'm in drag I'm "playing a character." I love to get the chance to do that in full scale shows as well. I have a lot of fun playing not only drag roles, but also honestly, earnestly and truthfully playing female roles in shows too. I think it is a false assumption that a man can't play a female role other than for comic effect. I think if the actor is truly transformational, we can forget what gender they are off stage and just pay attention to the character on stage. That said, yes, I would also play non-gender bending roles. My love for performing knows no bounds.

MK: Along with your other Gigs, you also have completed shooting, the 5th season of Rupaul's Drag Race, How did that come up? 

JINKX Monsoon: Well, I had thought about auditioning many times but always talked myself out of it. This year, I woke up one day and knew it was my year. It was just a feeling I had. So I auditioned, just like everybody else and was lucky enough to be one of the 14, out of the countless many that auditioned, to be given the opportunity. I worked my ass off to lead up to this and I feel honored and privileged to be the first NorthWest queen ever to go on The Race.  

MK: What can the audience expect?  

JINKX: The audience can expect a truly unique, NorthWest raised and trained, professional quirky queen with a lot of heart and a lot of nerve.

MK: Did you have any Rivals? 

JINKX: Well, you put 14 drag queens in to one room and there's bound to be some controversy, but I can honestly say I have respect and a special relationship with all 13 of my competitors.  

MK:  What was your Favorite Challenge? 

JINKX: It has yet to air, but when it does I'll tell you. It's a surprise.  

MK: What was your least Favorite?  

JINKX: We're about to watch it on Monday January 28th. Let's just say, I can't swim.  

MK:  The audience will get to know Jerick, was there any emotional moments?  

JINKX: Definitely. You know, when drag queens call each other sisters, there's some real truth to that. No one but a full time drag queen knows what a full time drag queen goes through to BE a full time drag queen. You feel connected to your sisters, whether or not you always see eye to eye. Being in that competition together binds you with those sisters because you have to go through it with these people. While some fighting and some drama is natural to occur... there's also a lot of room for growth, healing, and the ability to open up to people who will be able to understand where you're coming from. Just like rivalries are inevitable, strong, profound friendships are inevitable as well.  

MK: What's Next? Drag-U? Stay close to home? 

JINKX: If drag U calls, I am for sure taking it! I plan on staying based in Seattle for a while but doing a lot of touring. This is my first chance in my life to see the world and I wanna take it. But I feel very firmly rooted in the Northwest and want to stay here for a long while... But I HAVE always dreamt of one day being on Broadway and I have this dream of being the first drag queen to host SNL... So who knows. :)  

MK: Thank You, Jinkx and Jerick!

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